Thursday, 30 November 2017

The Little Prince

One of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Original Watercolors for “The Little Prince” (1942)

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Christmas decorations in Ballarat

Filmed on my way to work this morning.
Ramose Venn diagram ( we are up to the last book now) more Wimpy Kid tasks and 2 fables completed this week.
Hooray 139000 views! 

Monday, 27 November 2017

The Two Crabs

Creating a crab for this very wise fable! ( Don't expect others to do what you are unwilling or unable to do)

Finished product 
You can also use a paper plate folded over for the body.
Wanted poster for s tomb robber and working on a Venn diagram comparing the Wimpy Kid movie and book
My grade 3 girl was finishing her model.

Sunday, 26 November 2017


Carole Wilkinson wrote her series of four Ramose books set in ancient Egypt in the 1990s. They are all still in print today. My students are enjoying these books and my grade 4 girl is currently completing reading, writing and craft tasks based on the books. We are curently reading book 3 Ramose Sting if the Scorpion. 

Alternative book cover for book 2 and A-Z chart.
Our first strawberries for the year.
 Morning tea. I don't know why it's so hard to get Moro Bars! They are the best chocolates Cadbury make! Since they stopped making Whips and Nestle stopped making Pollywaffles it's been a struggle.

Saturday, 25 November 2017


I'm currently updated some units on TPT and I should have them ready to go up in my store before Christmas. I also have a new 'Ramose' unit that is being developed as I use it. I wondered why sales had dropped off over the last week or so. The worst kept secret ever, thanks TPT , is that there is a 20% off sale coming up starting tomorrow I think. Anyway. Below is a promotional banner for it.
Next week we will be working on the Ramose books ( currently reading number 3) and working on graphic novels/ comics with grade 2 ( Two FREE units on TPT for that. Got lovely feedback the other day from a teacher in Argentina which was great.) Folk tales with grade 2 ( that unit will be updated) and Fables with Preps ( another unit to update) I've also added some more to Sleepy Hollow now I'm finished with it for 2018 buyers.
One more week of November then the hectic run up to Christmas.

Friday, 24 November 2017


Finished cleaning up at school and getting organised for next week. Also have blood ( Last donation of the year) and now I need to buy some Christmas goodies for school from Coles and craft stuff, if they have any from Lincraft and Spotlight.
Storm clouds at lunch round the lake.
And rain....

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Mowed at last

Rabbit hole exposed after the mow! 
Preparing the fields next door 
Two crabs work finished.
Egyptian tomb finished.
Mini golf today

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Mini heat wave!

Lovely morning today. Ballarat city council workers are putting up Christmas decorations 
Last of the Sleepy Hollow work on display. I will update my TPT unit on the weekend 
 Our grounds are a jungle!
Finishing off her model 
The Two Crabs fable 
Starting work on Ramose

Forum outcome

I sent my report and the following email to Tanya's office.

Thanks for the invite Luke.

This is just a copy of the report I’ll give on Monday’s forum to my school council.


At the end of the forum, Mary asked:  ‘what is one thing you think the commonwealth government can do education if Labor is in government?’

One thing I’d like to see is for the Minister (Maybe at her first COAG meeting) to require the state and territory ministers to develop a strategic plan to deal with the widening gap between the opportunities and achievement of rural students compared to their metropolitan peers. 

There is plenty of data , as you know, to prove the existence of the problem. (Minister Merlino only has to look at his own department’s data going back years or the 2014 Victorian Auditor General’s report)

They need to consult with rural stakeholders to identify the issues and source the solutions (the solutions are there but they are being implemented in a piecemeal, ad hoc fashion.) A systematic approach is needed. I think the states are looking for direction here (and some ‘carrots’ maybe from that $17 billion in additional funding) and would welcome national leadership on the issue. After hearing Bill and Tanya I’m sure they are the only ones who can deliver on this. Without their leadership, the gap/gulf I mentioned will continue to widen and the Melbourne Declaration will be noble but nonetheless empty promises.


Tony Shaw

Response from her office.

Hi Tony


On behalf of Tanya, I wanted to thank you for your contribution to Monday’s Schools Forum.


Your passion for education and for your school community was very evident, and it was great to have such a strong advocate for rural education presenting to the larger audience.


Thanks also for sending through the summary report and your suggestion about a rural strategy.  If you have any further thoughts or suggestions, please send them through at any time.


Once again, thanks so much for your participation. 


Kind Regards


Kimberley McDonald


Monday, 20 November 2017

Covered bridge model

We finished off Sleepy Hollow today making the church, covered bridge and the story map.
It is a bit fiddly 
Making the Emperor with his clothes this time!