Wednesday 21 October 2015

ANOTHER disturbing Auditor General's report

As the recipient of 29.5 per cent of the state’s budget, it is essential that the Department of Education & Training (DET) plans effectively and strategically in order to perform its roles and achieve its outcomes, and ultimately achieve value for money.

The audit examined how effectively DET plans to achieve its objectives.

DET has a good framework to guide its strategic and operational planning. It has produced a range of plans that detail what it intends to achieve and how it will achieve it. However, despite having a planning framework in place, DET's ability to achieve its outcomes is significantly undermined by ineffective organisation-wide governance and poor implementation of its plans.

Longstanding governance weaknesses have resulted in systemic failures across the organisation—evidenced from an effectiveness, efficiency and economy perspective in the results of the 27 VAGO audits over five years.

Changes in recent years have had little effect in improving governance, planning and implementation. Until governance weaknesses are addressed, DET is unlikely to achieve its intended outcomes.

The report can be downloaded to read from the address below. I know I'll be reading it closely. ( Damning auditor general reports into DET are becoming all too frequent! This is a real worry!)

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