Friday 15 November 2013

Teacher performance development forum

Effective and Performance Development
(Developing. managers, creating Leaders)
presented by Christine Dineen
( Australian institute of Management)
Based on research by Ben Jensen from the Gatton Institute.

"Systems of teacher appraisal and feedback that are directly linked to improved student performance. Can raise teacher effectiveness by as much as 20-30%"

Goals for today's session included:
Looking at the framework of best practice
What does quality evidence look like?- moderation
Making sure documentation is up to date and support is provided to help teachers meet their goals and targets.
Difficult conversations with staff.
Moderation between schools.
Selling it to teachers.( Implementing a process of continuing improvement and growth)
Differences between performance and development and Appraisal.
How do you factor in ongoing development into a busy schedule.
Having good solid goals set against the Victorian Standards, personal goals and school goals through the AIP ( Annual implementation Plan)
Having school and individual goals.
Staff ownership and trusting supportive environment
System is now more evidence based.
Small schools taking a network approach
Performance and Development culture important
Building a culture of evidence based performance culture (AITSL standards to be used across the state in 2014)

Rigorous PD culture consists of:
Self reflection
Applies to all staff
High expectations set top support growth
Owned by teachers not done to them
Differentiating performance- graduate expectations different to expert teacher.
Regular feedback from multiple sources.
Professional collaboration
Continued development and support
Shared expectations for goals across the school
How do you structure feedback for staff. How do you motivate high performers
whole school collaboration.

Benefits for the school include
Improving school culture
Establishing common purpose
Sharing and investing in work for the benefit of the school and children
helps alignment and lessens working at cross purposes.
Evidence based P&D removes personality clashes
Improves ongoing communication across the school not a 'snapshot'
Focusses on students and identifies resources needed.

Reflective practice
Refer evidence based professional cycle developed by HelenTtimperley
Goals need to be:
Measure able
Time bound( breaking down goals into blocks of time)

P&D plans need to include
Clear goals
Data driven and evidence based
Areas to be developed
Clear section on support to meet the goals if required.( could be having a coach/ mentor or extra PD)
Aligned with school goals

Creating conditions for success
Acknowledging fear and discomfort
Point out the benefits of rigour
leaders need to model it
What is expected and what is in it for them.
refer:Behaviours of a High Trust Leader (Covey and Cole)

Quality evidence is required and must reflect on and evaluate teacher performance ( looking for collaboration and quality observable teaching)
Evidence can consist of:
Student/ peer feedback
Supervisor feedback
Teacher self- assessment
Evidence of participation in professional learning
Teacher self- assessment tools
School data such as attendance, NAPLAN results etc.
Discussion required about what concrete evidence.
We discussed a myriad of evidence types that can be asked for to support the standards and we discussed differentiating goals for teachers at various levels of accomplishment and how best to deliver productive feedback.
It was a long day and regrettably we spent a lot of time discussing what to do about under performing teachers rather than what we can do for high performing teachers on our staff. I will be attending a DEECD sponsored consultation session on teacher/principal reviews next Friday.

Below are some photos taken today including one of two of my colleagues Peter Clifton from Magpie Primary School and Andrew Harrison from Pentland Primary School.

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