Sunday, 27 September 2015

Young Adult books.....old adults should read?

The Buzz Feed suggests young adult books that old me should read. Their lists starts with Little Women. ( which is promising) Interesting to see that the book we are currently reading as a serial at school is there along with one I'm thinking of reading next year ( refer below) In fact there are loads of books we have studied at Glen Park on this list.......including Little Women.

Interesting story about the future of education in Australia. 
I fully agree with these sentiments:

If the US experience is illustrative, following this same ‘private is good, public is bad’ formula in education will lead to an increase in testing regimens and test-focused curricula as schools increasingly compete.Enormous corporations will run mediocre charter schools across the nation, which will be part of a widespread but failing school choice program. There will be a devaluing of the public sector for education and further socio economic-based segregation of schooling and society.Our hope is that we also avoid the onerous inspectorate model of England!

Concerns about the Chaplaincy Program in NSW Schools.

Australia's Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson has written to the Baird government expressing concern that the national school chaplaincy program could be detrimental to gay and lesbian students.

Mr Wilson's letter to NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli was written just days after the Gayby Baby furore erupted in Sydney.

Mr Piccoli issued a memo to schools asking them not to screen the film during class time on Wear It Purple day.

In the letter, Mr Wilson asks for a review to be conducted of complaints made about chaplains to assess whether inappropriate advice is being given to young gay and lesbian students.

Under Abbott government rules, only religious chaplains can be appointed to schools, after secular counsellors were banned from receiving funding.

But Mr Wilson said the survey had found "many religious youth reported feeling that their sexual orientation or gender identity is at odds with their religion".

He is concerned this may be preventing gay and lesbian students from accessing important counselling services.

The school chaplaincy program in NSW is dominated by Generate Ministries, which lodged a submission to an Australian Human Rights Commission inquiry into religious freedom stating homosexual activity is "a serious sin". The department has put out a tender seeker a broader range of school chaplain providers.

Read more: 
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Interesting graphic

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